Dithabeng Mining Mphahlele Mining Right Application
Scoping Phase
- Dithabeng Mining Mphahlele Final Scoping Report and Plan of Study for the EIA Phase
- Appendix A: DFFE Environmental Screening Report
- Appendix B: Mining Work Programme
- Appendix C: Details and Experience of EAP
- Appendix D: Project Maps
- Appendix E: Issues and Responses Report
- Appendix E1: I&AP Database
- Appendix E2: Proof of Initial, Draft and Final Scoping Report Availability Notifications
- Appendix E3: Proof of Newspaper Advertisement
- Appendix E4: Proof of Site Notice and Poster Placement
- Appendix E5: Proof of the Community Meeting Minutes and the Attendance Register
- Appendix E6: Community Meeting Pictures
- Appendix F1: Ecological Study Specialist Report
- Appendix F2: Heritage Specialist Report
- Appendix F3: Palaeontology Specialist Report
- Appendix G: Final Rehabilitation, Decommissioning and Closure Plan