About Us
10th anniversary celebratory tour to Westerburg, Germany (August 2014)
40 Employees and Contractors Including:
- 4 Ph.D.’s, 1 D.Sc., 5 M.Sc.’s, 14 B.Sc. (Hons).
- 9 Competent Persons, 15 Fellows or Members of Professional Societies
- Committed to continuous professional development and mentorship
- Dedicated to walk the extra mile and produce high quality technical deliverables on brief, on budget and on time
Our Affiliates:
- Bara Consulting (Mining Engineering)
- Jim Porter Mining Consulting (Mining Engineering)
- Mr Peter Kramers (Metallurgy, Backfill and Hydraulic Transport)
- Explorations Unlimited (Diamond Exploration and Evaluation)
- Colin Rice Exploration and Training (Drilling Experts)
- Prof Bruce Cairncross (Gemstones and Coal)
- Prof Nic Beukes (Manganese and Iron Ore)
- Prof Carl Anhaeusser (Greenstone Belt)
- Prof Grant Cawthorne (Bushveld Complex)
- Dr Clive Feather (Laboratory Audits)
- Mr Bernie Green (Geophysicist)
- Ophir Drilling and Exploration)
- Mr Tammo Vink (Legal)